Centers for New Horizon
Centers for New Horizons located in the Bronzeville community is a nonprofit organization that strives to enhance the self-sufficiency of families and overall revitalization of the Bronzeville neighborhood. MAPSCorps mappers have focused on determining how the lack of recreational assets in Bronzeville contributes to the decline in mental health.
Center for New Horizons Englewood is a vital part of the community it serves. Providing assistance to the Englewood neighborhood through the whole lifespan, from youth development programs to adult and family services. This Summer, mappers at CNH Englewood are researching what created Englewood’s health and food desert crisis, and what policies can Chicago enact to remedy it?
Part of the Center for New Horizons’ commitment to the communities they serve is career assistance. In addition to workforce and economic development programs, CHN Riverdale is committed to employing members of the community the center serves. The MAPSCorps team at CNH Riverdale is researching the unemployment in the community and asking: How does Riverdale’s high unemployment rate impact their youth?